Royal Huisman started to build a new 81m schooner

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Project 400 a 81m schooner from Royal Huisman  Picture: Royal Huisman

The construction of the 81m / 266ft contemporary three-masted schooner has commenced at the shipyard’s facilities in Vollenhove. This new build project for an Asian client was unveiled by the joint team of Royal Huisman, Dykstra Naval Architects, designer Mark Whiteley and Bart Kimman of Northrop & Johnson Asia at the 2016 Monaco Yacht Show.

Within a year Royal Huisman completed the design phase, the construction planning and a large part of the engineering for this iconic yacht – all in close interaction with the owner, his team and the architects. Even Royal Huisman’s largest shipbuilding hall was upgraded in preparation for the new project. Now, the milestone all involved parties were anticipating has been achieved: the keel is laid and the building frame for the main deck is under construction. The build of the world’s largest aluminium yacht has started!

Powerful and recognizable exterior design

The exterior design is the result of the joint effort of Dykstra Naval Architects and Mark Whiteley Design, skillfully incorporating the owner’s requirements – world cruising, fast yet comfortable, and iconic looking. The distinguishing superstructure features a half-raised bridge for inside steering. The yacht’s flybridge offers full controls during sailing, comfortable seating for guests wishing to be close up with the yacht’s navigation, and opportunity for sunbathing. The sheltered main cockpit beneath the flybridge features a bar, sofas and a large table; perfect for post-sailing dinner at anchor.A variety of innovative or indeed exciting features enhance the yacht’s appeal. The newly developed sliding Rondal door with individually operated moving glass panels provides a seamless transition from the cockpit into the interior, whereas the flybridge steering stations give access to the hydraulically operated crow’s nest for an exhilarating ride up the main mast with breathtaking views – for anyone wishing to add perspective to their stay on board! Various watersports gear such as waterscooters, a large guest tender with dive equipment, kayaks and SUP boards will be stored under the aft deck, and the deck design comprises a number of clever features, such as the crew tender in front being recessed into a pocket, which can be used as a cockpit after launch. The design of the crew entrance on the foredeck ties in with the looks of the main deckhouse.

Modern interior

Mark Whiteley designed a modern interior in balance with the exterior living spaces. The design is based on Alpi Walnut bulkheads and comprises oak floors. Alpi is a natural material which – thanks to technology – achieves high performance and eco sustainable quality. A very high comfort level for the owner, family and friends are very important considerations, but the yacht can also be used as a platform for business meetings. The forward part of the superstructure has been reserved for the owner and his guests, featuring a combined saloon with comfortable seating and a large table with sixteen seats for formal dining.

Royal Huisman will deliver this headturning project in 2020 – when the world’s largest
aluminium yacht can set sail to explore the oceans!

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Project 400 a 81m schooner from Royal Huisman  Picture: Royal Huisman




Monaco Yacht Show 2016

Auch dieses Jahr trafen sich bei der jährlichen Yacht Show in Monaco Werften, Designer und Broker um die neuesten Projekte zu präsentieren und die ausgestellten Yachten vorzustellen. Neben einigen Weltpremieren konnten auch bewährte Yachten, sowie kürzlich überarbeitete Yachten angeschaut werden. Ebenso besuchten Eigner die Show um sich nach einer neuen Yacht, neuem Tender oder neuem Spielzeug umzuschauen. Hier nun ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf die, in den nächsten Wochen, folgenden Beiträge über die 26. Auflage der Yacht Show.

This year the 26th  annual Yacht Show in Monaco took place, where all the shipyards, designer and broker presented their new projects and yachts for visiting. Including world premieres, established and refitted yachts. Also owners visited the show for buying a new yacht, new tender or some toys.  Here is attached a small foretaste for the blog posts which follow in the next weeks.